Monday, November 26, 2012

I Got New Shoes!

Once upon a time, I broke my hip (I'm 76, just kidding, I feel 76). Six weeks of rest, no outlet for stress, I went crazy and got fat. Anyway I was running wrong, so this year I fixed my stride and got different shoes.

Since spring I've been running in Brooks Pure Flow which are GLORIOUS, it feels like you're running barefoot on tiny mattresses! But, those suckers wear out fast, and money does not grow out of my butt. Also, for a few months my heels have been hurting. So I just got the Brooks Ghosts, which have firmer cushioning. After all my research I felt wise and confident in my choice.

I may have been swayed by Race Expo Shoe Lust also. 

My first run in the new Ghosts was yesterday. The weather was great and I was happy with my pace, especially compared with a week ago when I quit before I wanted because my legs hurt so bad. Worn out shoes? or too many Cheetos? I'm guessing both.

18 miles with the Flow: feet felt like they had been beaten with a sledgehammer

18 miles with the new Ghosts: feet feel like they have been beaten with one of the small pink hammers in those "girly" tool boxes, much less painful than a sledgehammer and cuter, too

It's too soon to tell, but I think I would be willing to go steady if the shoes asked me.

Next Race: Rock N Roll Marathon in January!