Friday, November 23, 2012

Guess What...I Started A Blog!

Guess What...I Started A Blog!

Way back in the day I had a blog, and it was supposed to be about sharing my life with my friends who live far away, but it turned into a collection of Christy's Embarrassing Moments. I mean, I was trying to explain these crazy things that happened to me so they could share in the horror, but they just made people laugh and say "Oh Christy, your life is a soap opera."

I would like to say for the record that it is NOT a soap opera! I have a great life. I'm married to my best friend, I have a good job, I have awesome kids (slash adults, two of them are over 18), and friends. My friends are the best.

And hobbies! I read, I travel, I run, I eat. I run to support my eating habit, and I eat to fuel my running addiction. I travel so that I can eat and run in different places.

Sad story of the day: It's the day after Thanksgiving, which as you know should be a delicious day for someone like me. Yet here is my lunch:
I ate it cold, from the can, with a plastic spoon. At 10am. The good news is whole grain is Good For You! The bad news is it was a crappy lunch so later we ordered philly cheese steaks.  The other bad news is that I didn't go running, so all these calories really count.


  1. Yay!! I'm a total blog follower these days, so I'll add yours to my list ;) You crack me up. Love you and your stories! (HA! my auto correct tried making "stories" into "calories"... I love you and your calories!)

  2. Oh boy, this is going to be fun. You're such a good writer. xoxo

  3. that's really a funny name... mine. ???? It's your mama. And that's not what I said my name is!!!!

  4. Whoo, hoo! You did it! Can't wait to read more.
